ISLT 7377 Introduction to Technology in Schools
Course Description: Study of theories and practices associated with educational technology. Explores basic instructional design processes and strategies for integrating technology into teaching and learning. Provides an overview of the EdTech field and a survey of emerging trends.
Reflection: This course introduced me to what educational technology actually is. It showed me how to connect teaching with technology and how to gage if my students are learning with that technology. The concept map assignment showed me how much technology could be used in my classroom. I also learned what the ADDIE model was for the first time and I must say I was suprised to find that when I create lessons I follow almost the same steps as the ADDIE model. I have continued to use it and fine tune what I previously did. The technology integration and learning plan helped me to think about how to integrate technology into my classroom. I think what I ultimately took away from this course was how to start thinking about integrating new technology into my classes.