Teachers understand local and global societal issues and responsibilities in an evolving digital culture and exhibit legal and ethical behavior in their professional practices
a. Advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources.
During my time in Intermediate Web Development, we had to create a lot of web pages that had to contain content that was not always going to be my own. It is important to teach students that when using someone else's work it is important to give them the credit for the work. For example, I had to create a project where I had to embed a youtube video. This video did not belong to me to I gave credit to the owner of the video in the foot notes of the page. I also credited another embedded video right underneath the video. It was important to do this to model appropriate and legal use of someone else's information.
Artifact: Christmas Webpage
A lot of this program is conducted on the discussion boards on Canvas. While sometimes you are commenting with your opinion other times you are having to use someone else's work to get your point across. To use someone else's research or words is something you need to make sure you are citing correctly. I know my students think that if they are quoting something from a movie or video clip, they do not need to cite it. To model the legal use of this information, I cited a video I watched on an online conference to state what the video was about and my opinions on the video. Doing this shows the responsibility of using someone else's words, even if they are not written down.
Artifact: Online Conference
b. Address the diverse needs of all learners by using learner-centered strategies providing equitable access to appropriate digital tools and resources.
To address the needs of my students who were learning on a self-paced online course, I created videos that corresponded with their lessons. Some of my students had a reading disability where it was hard for them to read through the sheets of notes and comprehend what the material was saying. Other students just learned better when being taught the material by a person. Since these classes were online, I had students in different courses in the same room so it was impossible for me to stand in front of the room and teach some of these students when others were working on different material. The videos allowed me to address all the needs of the learners in my room at the same time while using a digital tool.
Artifact: Video Lesson
There are some apps and websites out there that are hated by the many because they can lead to cheating. In math, there are a couple of sites that will give you the answer to a question ranging from an algebra question to a calculus question. I like to show my students how they can use these types of sites appropriately because they are likely going to be on them anyway. Using a site like Mathway or Wolfram Alpha can and will give you the correct answer to a question, but they will also show you the steps to solving the problem. These types of programs address the needs of all learners because they give students more examples about how to go about an answer. Some students are capable of learning just through the examples the teacher may provide but other students may need to be shown again with a different problem. If they use the programs to not just give them the correct answer but to see how to complete the problem, they will feel more confident in trying the next problem on their own.
Artifact: Wolfram Alpha, Mathway
c. Promote and model digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to the use of technology and information
During my classes, when I want to give out a google quiz or a Quizzizz for an assignment, the easiest way for students to access the links is for me to post them on my twitter feed. This means that students will be accessing and looking at my twitter feed and what I am posting onto it. My twitter is for school only so they are not seeing anything they should not, but it is a great time to show them how to have appropriate interactions on social media. Everything on my site is positive whether I am congratulating students or participating in book studies, students can see that I am acting responsible and using social media appropriately.
Artifact: My Twitter Page
One of my favorite things to do during class, if I am using google slides, is to utilize the Poll Everywhere app. This add on allows you to stay within your google slides presentation but have students interact with questions that you pose. I use this to get my students to use their devices to answer questions but also to model digital etiquette in my classroom. Everything they send into the Poll Everywhere pops up onto the smartboard I have in my room so I have a reminder talk every time we use this tool about how we want to be using appropriate language when we are putting things out there for people to see.
Artifact: Poll Everywhere
d. Develop and model cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with colleagues and students of other cultures using digital age communication and collaboration tools
Something that I used for the first time while completing this program was google hangouts. I was not sure what to expect and when the hangout started I was surprised that it was a video chat. I thought it would be like a discussion board of sorts. This tool is great because it allows people from different areas of the city, state, and world to be in a chat all at once. I could see myself using this in the future with my students to try to connect them to people around the country and world who use what we are learning in class and apply it in the real world. That way students could see real people who are using what we are learning and have them connect more with the material and be exposed to different types of people.
Artifact: Google Hangouts
Schoology is a tool I use when I am presenting on professional development with my colleagues. It is a site where you can post links, artifacts, and start discussions on with people in your course or group. By creating a discussion and inviting people to be a part of it, people from anywhere in the world, you can collaborate and engage with people from other cultures and backgrounds. This type of tool allows us to connect with people we would have normally not been able to connect with before and build a network with.
Artifact: Schoology